Chat and Email Support Services
Every customer who contacts your company through email or chat channels expects a fast, accurate response. With thousands of contacts per day, companies struggle to maintain response times while delivering high-quality customer communication by chat email Support.
Live Chat Support Service
Live chat support service and email management service helps your organization to boost to the high level competition. The customer who tries to reach with your organization through email or chat channels expects a fast, accurate response. Your organization may needs to response thousands of contacts per day, companies struggle to maintain response times while delivering high-quality customer communication.
Email Support
Thakur International is leading organizations have discovered how smart outsourcing can reduce customer care expense while providing skilled, quality responses from specialists working as a virtual team member. We have deep experience delivering chat service and email management service with live chat support services to customers in industries including:
Businesses have discovered how smart outsourcing can reduce customer care expense while providing skilled, quality responses from specialists working as a virtual team member. Thakur International has deep experience delivering chat and email support services to customers in industries including:
⇒ Auction Sales Service
⇒ Auto Sales Service
⇒ Car Rental Service
⇒ Consulting Service
⇒ Education Service
⇒ Financial Service
⇒ Government Service
⇒ Insurance Service
⇒ Publishing Service
⇒ Real Estate Service
⇒ Remote Sensing and GIS Service
⇒ Travel Agency Service
⇒ Web Hosting Service
⇒ Website Design Service
Our comprehensive contact response services include:
• Customer Care Services
• Technical Support
• Order Fulfillment/Verification
• Complaint/Query Resolution
Our proprietary Email Management System and Chat Support Management System allows us to track inflow/outflow volumes and pending status in real time, and drive process and customer analytics that provide value-added insights. Dynamic dashboard reporting gives real-time snapshots of process flows and performance, allowing us to consistently surpass client expectations through tight process management.
Reactive and Proactive Chat Services 
Reactive Chat
Live online chat provides a compelling human interface to help customers navigate purchase processes, make online payments or troubleshoot product or service issues.
Proactive Chat
Delivers chat windows to anticipate the needs of web visitors based on a set of predefined algorithms.
To start using our service,