Virtual Employees – Cut Costs, Not Quality
September 5, 2017
Telemarketing: use it to launch your startup
June 19, 2019“Hiring a Virtual Assistant is the idea for business growth, finding a cheap one is its realization.”
Having a Virtual Assistant (VA) can make your business grow. Here are some reasons:
- No limits of space: Sometimes you can’t get the best employee in your area. But with a virtual assistant you can expand your range and your business. You can choose highly qualified workers who can perform a job in a much quicker and cost-effective way.
- You only focus on core tasks: Time is money. A virtual assistant can perform those time-consuming, daily and mundane tasks that take up a large part of your workday. Once you pass on these duties to a VA, you can completely focus on the growth of your business.
- You save money: Virtual assistants are really cheap if compared to regular employees. In fact, you save up the cost of performing a task and you also cut down on the benefits: VAs are freelancers or regular employees of outsourcing companies, this means that their benefits are paid by their employers and not by you.
- No training required: nowadays VAs are highly qualified and ready to tackle any job. Define their task and they will perform it quickly, without having to spend days or even months training new employees: VAs know what to do.
Not every VA is the same:
- Choose your VA from a company: outsourcing companies employ many skilled virtual assistants and are more reliable than freelancers. This means two things: that the outcome of your project is more predictable and that the team is more productive. This is because freelancers usually have more than one employer, so your task may fall to the sides. On the contrary, VAs from a company become real members of your team and get really engaged in your business.
- Interview: an interview can help you to identify the right person for the task. It works just like with your regular employees. But easier. In fact, you can now interview online via Skype or other software. Make sure that the applicant is fitted for the task and don’t forget to check that they have great communication skills. This includes that they can speak good English or your other work language.
Communication is key: When you decide to pass on a task to a VA, you need updates. So, your VA should be reachable and ready to give you a report of their work if you need it. If your VA reaches out to you, it is a plus: an employee who asks for feedback makes sure that everything is going according to plan.
- Autonomy: if communication is important, autonomy is vital. Your VA needs to carry out tasks easily, so you don’t have to think about it and only focus on the growth of your business. Define the tasks that your VA will perform in a very clear and detailed way: this simple step can save you a lot of time in the long run.
- Time management: the VA you want to employ needs to be a great at dealing with deadlines. In fact, tasks follow a strict schedule and your employee needs to finish them on time. Remember: your time should be valued. Therefore, your VA must be good at setting priorities and multitasking.

Get a cheap Virtual Assistant (VA) at Thakur International:
Thakur International has years of experience in the field of VA and it rapidly gives task to its skilled staff. The team then works in a quick, effective and budget-friendly way.
Thakur International is an expert in outsourcing services and has been in the field for years. This is why it has a strong reputation and many satisfied customers. Let the staff at Thakur International help you with your project. Our Virtual Assistants are ready to join your team.
Find out more at: https://thakurintl.com/